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Reaching out, teaching, preaching & coaching - Practical Theology

"... until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ" -- Ephesians 4:11-13

-- Dr. Pieter and JoAnne Bos --

While reaching out to the leaders of the future, we're training the leaders of today, 

Encouraging - Exhorting - Educating - Equipping - Empowering

German Reference:

Wir haben Rev. Dr. Pieter Bos in unserer Mitte gehat, ein brillanter Sprecher, der jeden einzelnen von uns durch seine faszinierenden sowie spannenden Erzählungen begeistern wird. Als Seelsorger hat er reiche Erfahrungen mit Drogenabhängigen, Prostituierten, Alkoholikern und vielen problembelasteten Menschen, von denen er viele durch die Gnade Gottes auf den rechten Weg zurückbringen konnte. In Holland geboren hat er nach einigen Teenager Problemjahren von seiner Jugend an den Weg zum Herrn gefunden und in wundersamer Weise gedient. Nach seiner Pastorenausbildung diente er in der inneren Stadtmission in verschiedenen Städten der Niederlande, worin der Herr ihm viel Gnade gezeigt hatte. 1983 ging er in die USA, um dort zu lehren, Missionsarbeit zu leiten, mit Teen Challenge zusammen zu arbeiten und vielen Tausenden im seelsorgerischen Bereich Rat zu geben. Er ist nicht nur ein interessanter Sprecher sondern auch ein Zeuge vieler Wundertaten zu denen der Allmächtige ihn benutzt hat. Pieter kommt zu uns nach Berlin, um einen jeden von uns zu ermutigen und um aus dem reichen Schatz seiner Erfahrungen zu lehren. Seine Botschaft zu der Welt ist: ‘’Kommet her zu mir, alle, die ihr mühselig und beladen seid; ich will Euch erquicken‘’. (Mt.11:28) Seine Botschaft zur Gemeinde ist:‘’ Gehet hin in alle Welt und predigt das Evangelium aller Kreatur‘’ (Mk. 16:15) und benutze die Kraft Gottes, die Welt zu befreien. - Lee Schneider - Pastor -Berlin, DE


(March 14.2017) 

It is my privilege to give this letter of endorsement for Reverend Pieter Bos. I have been aquinted with Pieter and his wife JoAnne for over 6 years.

I have found Pieter to be refreshingly autentic in his Christian experience and ministry.  He is exceptionally honest and forthright in his dealings with people of all walks of life, showing himself a true disciple of Christ Jesus. He utterly lacks arrogance and loves to minister to people from all walks of life, and on any economic level. He identifies well with people and is well received wherever he goes.
It is without any hasitation, or reluctance, that I recommend Reverend Pieter Bos to you.   Sincerely,   Pastor Ted Boatsman -- Lebanon, Oregon.   

Having heard Brother Pieter Bos on several occasions, I am glad to commend his ministry to anyone who may be interested. His ministry is anointed of the Lord, and is very effective. Your church will surely benefit by having him. In His love, Rev. R. L. Brandt - Retired Superintendent of the Montana District of the Assemblies of God - Billings, Montana

Dear friends - Pieter and JoAnne - Thank you for your obedient and anointed ministry to all of us..., We love and appreciate you both. In His harvest with you. - Pastor's Gary and Joyce Fournier, and the Calvary Temple Family, Salem, OR.

It has been a pleasure to have Pieter and JoAnne Bos minister to the Relevant Live Church family on several occaisions. Their ministry is very genuine, and they desire to make an eternal impact on the lives they come in contact with and in the culture we live today; their message is applicable and challenging to all types of people....... We would gladly recomend Pieter and JoAnne to minister in any church. Sincerely, - Pastor Kevin Reich - Salem, Oregon.

This letter is to introduce a friend of mine. I have known Pieter since about 1989, when he was the Director of the Teen Challenge Training Center in Washington. He is a solid preacher of the Word, and moves under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. He has ministered at Chapel of Hope a number of times, and his messages were always dynamic and geared to the growth of the church. I would gladly recommend him for services in your fellowships. In Christ, - Pastor Rev. Johan Rockstad - Presbyter of the yellowstone section - Montana District Councel

Pieter, Thank you so much for your ministry here. It was a wonderful time of the Word and presence of the Holy Spirit. We were all ministered to and I recieved such a blessing myself. The services since then have continued to touch lives. I appreciate you, Brother! In Him,--Pastor Steve Berry - Alstons Corner, OR.

We have been enjoying the flow of the River of God in our church for the past seven weeks as never before. I want to thank you for your willingness to wait upon the Lord and be sensitive to His leading. Every service that you preached brought a unique response from the Lord that was perfect for that night and that service. We have seen some tremendous works of God take place. Thank you for your ministry with us I look forward to the time when we can have you with us again. God bless you. - Pastor Randy Beal.- Spokane, WA.

The Rev. Dr. Pieter and Mrs. JoAnne Bos came and spoke to pastors of gujarat ten times. They ministered in the city of Surat as well as in other places in Baroda,India too. Everyone enjoyed their ministry very well. They have clearly spoke the Word of God in all the places, and their understanding and life is very good and inspiring to all.-- Rev. Dr. Marcus Davasahayam Thomas - Executive Presbyter India Assemblies of God - Gujarat, N. India.

Pieter and JoAnne Bos have been the Directors of the Spokane "Farm" -Teen Challenge Training Center for well over 3 years. Under Pieters leadership, a failing ministry was brought back to life and is today a full, functioning, self supporting Teen Challenge Residential program. Pieter has found favor with both the Northwest and the Montana-Assemblies of God Districts. I personally would recomend him for ministry and I believe that Pieter would do well at whatever he puts his hand to. -- Rev. Mike Hodges, National Teen Challenge Director-Springfield, MO.

I have known Dr. Pieter and JoAnne for a number of years now, and have found them to be dependdable, loyal, and capable servants of God. Pieter and JoAnne served as an efficient, hardworking husband and wife team at the Spokane, WA., men's facility of Teen Challenge. Pieter and JoAnne also came to India and ministered and adapted very well to the culture and people of India during the short time they were there. I found that he had an effective pulpit and teaching ministry and related well to the national pastors and lay leaders assembled. He comes with the highest recommondation from me. Any consideration you may give this fine couple would be appreciated. - Jim Roanne, Ph.D. - Missionairy - Evangelism Director, (Previously: Teen Challenge, Executive Director,- NW region of the U.S.A.)

Thank you so much for being with us...., We really appreciated your ministry. The messages were very timely for our church. Thanks for listening to God in your preparation.... God bless you in your continued ministry. In Christ. -- Pastor Bruce Swanson - Montesano, WA.

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